Friday, December 21, 2012

Sit Tight.

When you are far apart, only have a few chance to meet. What would you do? What plan you have in mind?

Bagi saye, kalau macam jauh, or dekat but jarang jumpa, jarang text, jarang communicate, I'd prefer a nice meal eat together and just talk about everything. That is all what I'll ask for. I wont ask for a nice dinner at the most expensive restaurant...kayanya kau -,-. For me I dont care where, when, but just ada effort to meet. Effort yang I can see, kita boleh tahu kan macam mana orang tuh dengan kita, ikhlas ke tidak ke ape kan. So wayang is way out of the list, mall nope saye tak minat, nice place with a nice view. Thats more I like it. But nak memilih sangat pun tak boleh! Hahaha. Best kan kalau macam tuh. Seronok je. Rasa macam peace je kot, seriously. I really am in love with nature. Just take me anywhere I wont get bored. I want something different every single day. The same routine is quite bored I supposed but who cares, as long as theres you and me. I wont regret it. But the effort that counts

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