Saturday, December 29, 2012


I feel so stupid reading my old posts. Hahahaha. So stupid that I want to commit suicide. I spelled DIA as DEA omg! Is that just me or everyone is like doing it in 2008! Hello. Hahaha.

But sekarang dekat life sekarang, at this point, I am glad. I'm glad that I'm happy. I'm so happy that I feel so alive. So calm yet so stress hahaha. Final is like 2 days ahead, and I'm here still typing -,-. This is the time to be happy, to enjoy urself, to just be you! Kawan-kawan matrik jadi rapat since lepas matrik. Tak lupa kawan-kawan sekolah. Untung jugak sekolah dekat negeri orang! :P. And further study pun dekat negeri same! Hahahaha. So banyak kutip kawan jugak. That is what I call experience.

Matrik, bosan. First word that came across my mind. The first word I could ever think about. But after a year later. I feel like, they are so great, but well nobody's perfect. Mungkin ada yang menjengkelkan, menyampah, gedik and macam-macam, but kita tak boleh memilih sangat dalam hidup ini. So kita just kena biasakan je :). Buat biasa hahaha ewah. But orang yang haku tak okay dulu, eh okay at first, but menyampah at last, is now okay kot? Sebab who am I nak menyampah dengan orang kan? Kalau macam tuh baik duduk dunia sendiri, pilih kawan sendiri haha. So just live your life. Enjoy. Keep calm.  Friends are the person you'd referred to someday.

P/s : Thanks you guys for making me happy and also my familia :). Yes of course!

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