Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being Astrayed..

I am feeling very sad. Seriously. It's like I'm not belong here. Is it me or is it the people around me?  

The guy that I'm telling you about is so complicated. I just don't know where to start. Aku tak tau aku being syok sendiri or whatever. Tapi aku rasa macam aku suka dia, eventho we never even met. Okay whatever. Lately, aku rasa macam disindir and rasa terhina gila. Rasa macam he's avoiding me or something. Aku just doesn't feels like playing any puzzles. Seriously. Berteka-teki all the time, sampai bila kau nak nampak hasilnya? Sangat macam fed up. Bukan macam tak sabar. Tapi aku just nak tau what is going on? Kalau kau macam nak stay friends okay, I'll just go and friend-zoned you. Jangan lah macam nak expect aku boleh baca semua hints kau. I'm not that kind of girl yang boleh faham semua hints ni. Aku tak suka benda yang macam tak direct. Contoh, macam kau nak tanya pasal kenapa aku call? Aku call dua kali je weh. Kau tweet cakap "Ada apa call banyak kali". Aku call dua kali je kot. Tak payah lah nak mention dekat twitter. Rasa macam kau avoid aku gila-gila. And aku rasa sentap sangat bila orang macam unmention aku. Kau pun tak suka bila orang lain macam perli kau dekat kau. Why should you do the same. Kalau kau rasa macam malas nak layan, okay just cakap dengan aku, cakap je macam you, kita tak payah lah contact buat masa ni. Haa, that's all and I get it. Aku bukan nak kau berterus terang cakap "I suka you, jom couple." Haa tak payah lah macam ni. Aku bukan nak rush things. Tuh je. And lama-lama aku akan macam buat conclusion sendiri. Aku dah try jadi se-cool habis. Tapi walau se-cool mana pun perasaan insecure dia mesti ada even banyak or sikit. Okay the end  :)


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