Sunday, August 26, 2012


OMG OMG! It just so stupid when you're using the doh word and people was like, KL nya kau nyah. And I was like its just a word, and he said yes its a word but itu like trademark KL?

Okay I just printscreen but on the second thought its just not nice to show it publicly. And I am very annoyed with these kind of people. Korang nak mendiskriminasi satu negeri just based on the trademarks. Just like the 5 days mc? U judge Singaporean just bcs of the stupid video? Why are you guys being so stupid? Like seriously. Its not like aku cakap belakang, sebab I also confront him. Its not cool to just discriminate others just by a word. So not cool. This is why I cant stand immature gaiz. They're just so lame. FYI, people who doesn't sees the real world only acted this way. So lame. They're got nothing to do. Keep busybody-ing.

It's not cool you know. It's pasal dorang dah biasa duduk dalam comfort zone. Well Ipoh bukan ada apa pun, so boleh lah dikategori as macam a boring place. So kira macam bila someone dah selesa duduk satu tempat dia duduk, they'll never grow up and acted stupid. Dia macam satu culture shock weh. I'm not saying that I am all this poyo berlagak tahu semua ni. But seriously. My friends semua macam ni. Bila further studies tempat jauh sikit, lepas tuh bila balik kita kan macam terikut accent kan, macam nak bahan. Bahan and like diskriminasi. Chillax lah bro. Tak lawak kot kau nak bahan. Kau macam boleh buat gaduh je dua negeri ni. And nanti tak pasal kau punya mulut, semua cop Ipoh ni suckers semua. Bodoh lah. Grow up boleh tak? Memang lah Ipoh ni kecik and tau lah kau ni hotstuff Ipoh hahaha! So tak payah lah nak poyo sangat. Takde nak tunding jari dekat sesiapa. Its fact! Memang kenyataan pun. Siapa nak terasa harap maaf. Saya sekadar menulis apa yang diperhati and dirasai ewah haha!

But seriously, kau should look yourself in the mirror before you start judging others. Words can only be forgiven not forgotten. Words do kill. Be cautious on what you gonna say. It might causes you an enemy.

1 comment:


Setuju dgn kauu, apa masalah dgn KL ke Bandar ke?? semua sama jee. mereka ni suka mendikriminasi -..- its like stupid thing. errrr, we're malaysian. semua samaaaa.