Friday, August 17, 2012


Well, bukannya susah nak share sesuatu benda yang kita tahu kan? It's not like I'm competing with you or anything, it's just aku tak macam kau? yang suka explore the whole world ni. And yeah, I'm pursuing my degree in Science Computer, and that doesn't mean that aku tahu semua pasal teknologi ni. And yeah aku should have tahu? But aku bukannya dah belajar pun. Aku masuk pun belum lagi. Before kau masuk kau ada ke survey subjects apa kena study or whatever. Like duh, tak semua orang sama, jangan lah ingat setakat kepandaian tuh boleh pergi jauh. I mean ergh faham-faham je lah. I know that you're pandai-er than me, so doesn't mean that you can just condemn me like on everything yaw. Chillax lah.

 You don't know me very well. Sama macam aku belajar Engineering. Contoh lah, okay aku macam tahu the new stuff, like on cars. Aku tau what kind of engine is this. FAHAM TAK KONSEP DIA?! Ha sama je. Semua tuh kena explore. Takkan lah aku pursue course pasal IT, aku macam kena tau semua gadgets baru and apa software dia pakai and bla bla. I barely know anything lah pasal gadgets ni. Maybe aku tau macam oh if dia pakai software A dia suppose to be laju, liddat je. Bukannya oh phone ni pakai software B, and software A lagi superb. Like --' seriously. *duckface. Haha. Itu semua tah exposure, exposure to the gadgets world. Mana boleh kau terus macam underestimate budak ni just based on their knowledge? Lepas tuh kau nak comparekan dia dengan course yang dia tengah belajar. Totally lain weh. Hmm. But you're too buku-panduan-kind-of-girl lah weh. Seriously. Kau macam tak cool weh. Macam tak cool cool tuh ahah. Macam entah, macam everything like macam derr objectives. I'm not saying that you're boring but you kinda are. Look closely infront of a mirror, and judge yourself. Judge others by their experience. Just sit back and relax. Enjoy the ride.

 AND yeah, kau boleh je actually share dengan orang macam "weh kau tau tak pasal buku tuh" "tak, apehal doo" "serious kau kena baca die gempak gila bro" "oh okay". And there here you go. Just share about anything, in the future it might come handy. Or else, kau just share kau punya ilmu or kau punya dakwah just by suggesting. Banyak benefitsnya kalau kau just share about it instead of being so judgemental and so arrogant about it. Judgemental is something that you judge someone just based on their statements? Their personality? Seriously.

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